Monday, August 16, 2010

Fire Evacuation Procedure by Steven and Manu

Fire Evacuation Procedure for Room 9

In case of a fire at Tamaki Intermediate School the following steps must be taken if you are a student in Room 9 :
Step one: Dial 111 for the Fire Service.
Step two: If there is a fire and the alarm has not gone off, turn it on.
Step three: Year 8 students are to take the left stairwell facing the field and the Year 7 students will take the right one down to the netball courts. WALK! DO NOT RUN!
Step four: Check to see that no one is left behind.
Step five: When at the Netball Courts, sit in two lines.
Step six: The teacher will check the roll to see that everyone is present.
Step seven: Remain at assembly point until the teacher dismisses you.

By Steven and Manu

1 comment:

  1. Matua said...Be strong and continue writing. Good to see clear instructions that are easy to read and understand.
